Als Dienstleister im Human Resources Management arbeiten wir in einem sensiblen Umfeld, in dem Vertraulichkeit und Diskretion unabdingbar sind. Zum Schutz unserer Klienten veröffentlichen wir deshalb keine Referenzenliste. Referenzen für Interim Management Mandate und Human Resources Projekte können nach Rücksprache individuell zur Verfügung gestellt werden.
Martina Tücking ist in ein laufendes Restrukturierungsprojekt eingestiegen und hat maßgeblich zu einem konstruktiven Abschluss der Verhandlungen mit dem Betriebsrat beigetragen. Mit Ihrer analytischen und zielstrebigen Art hat sie dem Prozess Struktur gegeben und die Kommunikation zwischen allen Parteien objektiviert. Ich würde Martina aufgrund ihrer umfangreichen Erfahrung und ihrer Professionalität jederzeit wieder beauftragen.
Martina’s contribution to the company as interim HR Manager Germany brought significant value adding results to our organization. Within a short period of time she was pro-actively driving key HR initiatives with a well balanced mix of practicability, sustainability, legal compliance, cost awareness and cultural suitability. Her list of achievements ranged widely from operational talent sourcing, performance management, conception of complex company agreements and more. With her structured and autonomous working style, her strong HR expertise as well as her high integrity and engagement she quickly became an respected sparring partner to the management team. Last but not least it was her indisputable trustworthiness and sense of empathy why I can fully recommend working with her.
Frau Tücking hat uns bei der Verhandlung von IT Betriebsvereinbarungen, unter anderem zur Einführung von Office 365, unterstützt. Sie hat das unternehmensseitige Verhandlungsteam geleitet und die schwierigen Verhandlungen mit großer Sach- und hoher Sozialkompetenz in kooperativer und vertrauensvoller Zusammenarbeit mit dem Betriebsrat im Sinne des Unternehmen zügig und erfolgreich umgesetzt. Es war eine besondere und erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit, und ich kann Frau Tücking ohne Zögern weiterempfehlen.
Frau Tücking hat uns nach einer zentralen Bündelung von Aufgaben beraten, die Prozesse und Organisationsstrukturen in unserem Personalbereich sowie die Schnittstellen zu anderen Bereichen zu definieren, zu hinterfragen und transparent für alle Ansprechpartner nachvollziehbar abzubilden. Dies hat sie neben Einzelgesprächen insbesondere in mehreren Workshops erfasst und vermittelt. Frau Tücking hat dabei die einzelne Person individuell aber doch als Teil der Organisation betrachtet und bei Bedarf auch in der persönlichen Entwicklung unterstützt. Sie hat es verstanden, Denkanstöße gezielt zu platzieren, und das genaue Maß an Fingerspitzengefühl gezeigt.
Martina Tücking successfully supported us as the Interim Manager for HR in the critical post acquisition phase of a new company. Thanks to the deep experience in international organization, she was an excellent business partner and advisor on several projects. She supported us in the first steps of a complex carve-out of the HR function from a service provider, designing the organization of the department, defining standards for contracts and bonus schemes, participating in the recruiting process of key people of our team. She definitely has create value to our organization and I would strongly recommend her for critical and complex projects in HR and Organization.
Martina worked within our European HR Function as an Interim Human Resources Director at our German manufacturing plant. Martina built relationships and credibility quickly both within the HR Team and the wider manufacturing division. Martina challenges the status quo, cuts through barriers, clarifies understanding and delivers. A true Interim professional, she is honest and totally trustworthy with a strong sense of what is right and a great sense of humor. I look forward to working with her again in the future.
Having worked with Martina, as the German manufacturing site’s Interim Human Resources Director for 11 months, I have come to respect her ‘can-do’ attitude. If I asked for something to be looked at I knew it would be done thoroughly, on time and to an excellent standard. I would happily recommend Martina to support businesses with strategic and change projects regarding people management, leadership development and people process improvements.
Frau Tücking hat bei uns in Deutschland eine Reorganisation des Bereiches Human Resources mit viel Fingerspitzengefühl aber bestimmt und lösungsorientiert umgesetzt. Sie hat direkt an den Gesprächen und Verhandlungen mit dem Betriebsrat teilgenommen und war maßgeblich daran beteiligt, dass sich das Verhältnis mit dem Betriebsrat entspannt und verbessert hat. Generell haben wir Frau Tücking als sehr kompetent und zielorientiert erlebt. Mit ihrer offenen und kommunikativen Art, konnte sie die verschiedenen Interessengruppen sehr schnell für ihre Anliegen gewinnen und die anstehenden HR Themen erfolgreich umsetzen.
Martina joined us as Interim HR Manager in a post-divestment phase when we were setting up our business from scratch. From an HR perspective this encompassed everything from payroll to Works Council discussions to recruitment and everything in between. Martina’s extreme professionalism, her breadth of experience and her cool head were just what we needed. She helped us to get on our feet and to get the basics running smoothly as a firm foundation on which to build and develop our HR department. Her no-nonsense approach coupled with her friendly manner helped her to fit in very quickly with our team and to tackle the tasks in hand. I have no hesitation in recommending her.
Martina joined us on an interim basis to help drive through change in our ways of working, partnering with the senior management team to challenge them to improve engagement within the business locally. She also supported different business managers in reviewing their organisation structures, to optimise resources and roles in line with delivering to meet our goals. This included coaching managers to consider their priorities and working with them to help them gain Works Council support. I highly recommend Martina, not least for her excellent understanding of different cultures, which is essential in our global environment and gaining commitment from a mixed nationality team.
Martina is a very experienced business professional, being positive and solution minded. Due to her profound HR know-how and her huge experience in international organizations she was able to work successfully in our quite complex and challenging environment and to solve any difficult situation. I really appreciated Martina supporting me and I would be very happy to work with her again in the future.
Frau Tücking hat uns bei der Entwicklung vom eigenständigen kleinen Mittelständler zum Headquarter eines international agierenden Unternehmens unterstützt. Diese Unterstützung bezog sich auf den Aufbau einer übergeordneten Organisation sowie auch auf den Aufbau einer weltweit tragfähigen HR-Struktur. Dazu hat sie in Zusammenarbeit mit unserem lokalen HR-Management die notwendigen Prozesse festgelegt und nach Analyse der Ist-Situation konkrete Maßnahmen zum Aufbau bzw. zur Verbesserung des bestehenden HR-Managements gemacht. Dank ihrer Kompetenz und Erfahrung ist es uns gelungen, ein schlagkräftiges HR-Team aufzubauen und den Grundstein für eine über Grenzen hinaus erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit zu legen. Wir danken ihr sehr für viele hilfreiche Impulse und können ihre Unterstützung uneingeschränkt weiter empfehlen.
I have been impressed with Martina’s energy and professionalism throughout the complete period of time when she worked as an interim HR manager for us. She brings in a plethora of experience and combines it with a “hands-on” attitude, which is important for mid-sized companies as ours. Martina does not shy away from difficult situations or discussions with employees, giving direct feedback if needed. As a CEO it is important that she summarizes her findings and recommendations in a clear manner, thus enabling management to make the right decisions
Frau Tücking hat unser Haus im Rahmen eines Coaching-Projektes in einem Back-Office Bereich erfolgreich unterstützt. Durch verschiedene Workshops und individuelle Meetings mit den involvierten Personen hat sie dazu beigetragen, einen bestehenden Konflikt innerhalb des Bereiches und zwischen dem Bereichsleiter und seinen Mitarbeiter/innen zu lösen. Dabei hat sie im Wesentlichen den Beteiligten geholfen, die Aufgabenverteilung und Prozesse neu zu definieren, aber auch die gegenseitigen Erwartungshaltungen zu objektivieren. Wir haben Frau Tücking als eine sehr objektive und vertrauensvolle Persönlichkeit kennengelernt, die es mit Empathie und Durchsetzungskraft versteht, Coaching-Prozesse zu steuern und die Beteiligten dazu anzuleiten, eigenständig sinnvolle Lösungen zu erarbeiten. Unser gemeinsames Projekt profitierte von ihren umfassenden Erfahrungen im Personalwesen als auch im Management.
Martina has been with us for 8 months as Interim HR Manager Central Europe. She is a solid, capable and pleasant HR professional, who quickly understood the challenges we were facing, both in HR as in general. She has brought a lot of knowledge to our organization, and made sure several important processes were done in a correct and professional manner. These ranged from communicating on HR key performance indicators related to the privacy laws in Germany, to restructuring procedures as well as recruitment and contractual issues. She also coached some of our operational managers to help them understand how to better deal with their employees, and how to execute their HR related tasks. It was a real pleasure to work with Martina!
Due to Martina’s experience in all facets belonging to HR she has been for me the perfect business partner. Basically she had the lead in the reorganization of our HR department in Central Europe. After this first major task we have been enabled to restructure and reorganize the company with assistance of Martina. We pulled through a professionally managed restructuring program, which has been well accepted by the works council and contributed the future of our company. Thanks to the right procedures and processes, which have been implemented by Martina, we are well positioned to see the future with trust and confidence. I want to thank Martina for this great effort and can recommend her way of working to everyone.
Martina Tücking worked with us in Germany as the Interim Manager for HR and brought with her the much needed structure and professional approach that helped build an excellent foundation for the HR department. She was instrumental in educating the international HR group within the company on doing business in Germany and facilitated understanding of all essential employment related legal matters. We are now able to continue to offer a professional and consistent HR service to our staff thanks to Martina’s work.
Martina works in a very productive and effective way. Her approach is direct where possible and diplomatic where needed. She is a high level HR Director with a good sense for cultural differences in an international environment and brings all the relevant experience to the table. During her time she completed a number of international recruitments at first and second management level and introduced several major HR-projects and ran the workshops on Corporate Values. She has been a significant asset to our company and I can recommend her for your service.
We selected Martina because she is passionate about the importance of HR excellence to business success. She brings extensive experience, energy and tenacity to her work. We also were impressed with her pan-European experience and experience working with employees from various levels and multiple cultures.
Ich schätze Frau Tücking als offene und dynamische Persönlichkeit, die sich engagiert und lösungsorientiert der Aufgaben annimmt. Dabei ist ihr Umgang mit Menschen immer respektvoll und motivierend. Sie ist überzeugt davon, dass Menschen der wichtigste Erfolgsfaktor eines Unternehmens sind. Für ihre Kollegen aus der Geschäftsleitung war sie stets eine positive Herausforderung, da sie ihre Beiträge immer sehr professionell vorbereitet und das notwendige Durchsetzungsvermögen besitzt.
Martina has a clear vision about people and organisations. She knows how to get the best out of them. She is a People Management professional with the right management skills and knows how to manage effectively in a demanding international matrix environment. Martina delivers high levels of performance and quality. She is customer focussed and passionate about delivering service excellence. She takes responsibility for issues that are raised and see them through. Her work ethic is excellent. She treats others with dignity and respect. In short – Martina is a top-professional and next to that a very pleasant person to work with!